Soumyadeep Ghosh | Membership Application

Namaskar everyone :pray: , I am Soumyadeep Ghosh from Bengal, India. My journey with Ubuntu started during the starting of the pandemic. Even though my first distro was linux-mint, I instantly fell in love with the design and UX of Ubuntu. After that I have tried 50+ distros, used many as my daily drive, but from 21.10 Impish Indri release, I have been a constant Ubuntu user. The biggest reason for me to stick with this was stability and user-friendliness. Like, I use app indicators a lot, and many distros shipped it by default, but none worked as well as it is on Ubuntu. And the biggest thing is I have never been successful to break my installation. LOL.

But, with recent times, I found that many very well known apps or niche apps (specifically apps from the Gnome circle) were not getting available in Ubuntu Snap store. And from there my contributions to Ubuntu started. I started creating Pacscripts for those apps, which is used by the Pacstall project. I tried to add a lot of apps there, became a member of their organization. But, sooner I realized there are a lot of caveats in that project, specifically, it cannot make any app available to any Ubuntu based distro. That’s when I started to create snaps. The first app that I was successfully able to snap was Tube Converter (now Parabolic).

  • Currently I directly maintain 38 snaps, maintain in as a collaborator 20 snaps and have also contributed to many other snaps like Remmina, Vscodium, Brave Browser, MPV etc.
  • I have helped many upstreams to publish their app officially in the Snap Store, like Parabolic, Denaro, Tagger, Cavalier, Done, Planify, ASCII-Draw, Inspector, Teleprompter, Dosage Tracker, Foliate, Graphs, Mousam, SaveDesktop, Tldr and a lot.
  • I am also a member of Snapcrafters community.
  • I have also contributed to snapcraft, core-base, gnome-sdk, qt-sdk and others.
  • I have also created two content snaps, which helps others to get Webkitgtk6 & FFMpeg library in their snaps.
  • I am also an active member of Ubuntu Flutter Community.
  • I have contributed to the new Snap Store, Musicpod

My future goals are:

  • Bring many more upstreams, specifically KDE apps and apps from Gnome Circle, to the snap store.
  • Help the new snap store to become more user-friendly and make the design more beautiful.
  • Create some apps using the yaru framework of Flutter and help create an ecosystem of apps based on flutter
  • Work more with the upstream of Heroic Games Launcher to improve the gaming scenario
  • Try to snap bottles to complete the ecosystem
  • Fix issues and problems that can be faced by a newcomer, to improve the overall experience of a new user.



I would like to wholeheartedly support Soumyadeep’s application for Ubuntu Membership.

They have shown great enthusiasm in their contributions over the last year. From adopting snaps which had been languishing, to reworking, updating and improving packaging receipes and automation. This helps to ensure the latest versions of popular applications land on peoples desktop in a robust and timely manner.

They engage with other members of the community in a respectful and timely way, and are clearly eager to find ways to improve everything they work on.

We need more like Soumyadeep in Ubuntu. :heart:


Soumyadeep is a very important part of the snap and gnome ecosystem. He has ported many modern gtk4 applications to the snap store that would have otherwise been only available as a flatpak.
Additionally he is an active and important member of the Ubuntu Flutter Community where he is active daily.
IMO it would be very good to have him as an Ubuntu member


The rate of progress in the Snapcraft community is impressive, and I’ve always been pleasantly surprised to see Soumyadeep’s name in the depths of the Github repo’s that the majority of Snappers wouldn’t ever need to look at, improving the ecosystem for everybody both from the background and impressively in the foreground with the direct maintenance of a huge amount of packages too.

I’d personally struggle to think of someone who’s had as much impact in as little time :).


Hello soumyadghosh :smiley:

While watching this development, that is looking very promising, I note that you have failed to read and sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.
Please review:
where you are also directed to provide a link to your Launchpad profile in this application.

Merrily moving forward -


I am very sorry, I forgot to add my links. I have edited my post and added some necessary links.


I am so excited to see @soumyadghosh apply for membership! They have been a great catalyst within the snapcraft community and I’m sure they will have a positive impact within the broader Ubuntu membership.

This is a strong +1 from me!

I have personally worked with @soumyadghosh on a bunch of snaps, with nothing but great results.

@soumyadghosh keep up the great work


Soumyadeep will make a great Ubuntu member! In the relatively short time he’s been with us, he has already made an outsized contribution to the ecosystem. I’ve worked a lot with him as part of Snapcrafters and sponsored his Snapcrafters membership. He’s such a prolific contributor that it’s sometimes hard to keep up with reviewing and merging his contributions.

One thing that stood out to me is that he’s incredibly eager to learn and improve, both on the technical side, and on how to interact in our community. So a big +1 from me!


Soumyadeep is a great guy and his knowledge of snaps in ubuntu is second to none. Have interacted with him at a personal level too and he is always enthusiastic and quick to learn

A strong +1 from my side too and he will be a great addition to the team!


I endorse Soumyadeep for Ubuntu Membership! He has done a lot of great work pushing the snap ecosystem further through meaningful contributions, and has been a huge part of the Snapcrafters. Soumyadeep has done great work with KDE snaps. He also is active in providing support to folks both in the Ubuntu Community Matrix server, and on various forums such as the Snapcraft Forum.

He has proven himself to be both an extremely capable open source contributor as well as staunch advocate for both Ubuntu and snaps. He’s highly motivated to contribute even more, and learn new things such as how to build Rocks! Big +1 from me for his Ubuntu Membership. I don’t think we can go wrong with anointing him with the orange glow :mage::magic_wand: :orange_circle:


Make Welcome
Soumyadeep application was unanimously approved in today’s board meeting.

Just keep on keep’n on


This is such brilliant news

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No problem, I hope from here, we’ll get even more chances to have a chat. Thanks a lot for the warm wishes.

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