LXD Containers Stats

Hello I want to check my each container stats, like how much cpu, ram and i/o is utilized continuously I want to show this data on charts and graphs. is there any way to get the data?

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@irtazahussain LXD exposes Prometheus/OpenMetrics metrics so you can ask Prometheus (or other compatible engine) to scrape the /1.0/metrics endpoint and graph that with Grafana.

Please consult:

It’ll extract the whole host metrics, I want to get the metrics of individual container by using the rest-api.

The metrics pulled out of /1.0/metrics will include metrics for each of the instances running on the host receiving the query. This means you can easily build graphs per-instance like our example Grafana dashboard does.

The returned metrics come with a set of labels and one of which is the name of the instance’s name.

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