Landscape 24.04 LTS Release Notes

So far the upgrade from Landscape 23.03 to 24.04 LTS has been a terrible experience.
We can no longer create new users, they will recive the link, but are unable to use it to activate their accounts.
Couldnt access the new ui without rebuilding the apache configuration file.

Why is the update offered as an LTS build when its this unstable?

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Salt and Ansible both offer versions where you dont need incoming SSH i believe.

Tried upgrading to the new landscape version and I was surprised by how poorly it went …

I followed the limited instructions here:

and I want to highlight:
“During your upgrade, you may be asked if you want to replace your configuration file with a later version. Do not replace your configuration; you should keep your existing configuration file.”

After upgrading landscape, I restart it and some services failed to start, looking at the logs it was because there were no definitions for new parameters in /etc/landscape/service.conf

So I had to compare the service.conf file provided by the deb package and take some default values from there and put it into my service.conf file, the default values from it

I don’t have the error messages anymore, since I had to revert my server to a previous version of landscape but it was a python configparser “section not found” error error which I feel could have:
A) During postinst of landscape-server, if those sections don’t exist in the config file, add them
B) Better error handling in the code “if section not in config: use defaults”
C) Stating in the upgrade documentation clearly that these new entries need to be defined

After adding those things, I get it working. great

Then I go to the new “repositories” tab, which … is not just repositories, it’s a full UI, why not have a “new ui / old ui” slider or something or at least labeling that button correctly …
and it doesn’t work, that may have been my fault, I am running a modified apache config, it seemed to actually modify the default config, so I can’t fault them on that really.

And at that point, I was somewhat annoyed but happy to have the new version up and running but then, it all comes crashing down, landscape is no longer capable of keeping my repo’s up to date and without that functionality it is abselutely useless to me ( this bug: Bug #2064622 “Landscape Server Upgrade 23.03 to 24.04 causes rep...” : Bugs : Landscape Server ).

after reading up on this a bit, I revert my landscape server to the previous version, however a lot of the client-servers had already been talking to the new landscape server, had upgraded the client …

Now I don’t know if the next part is because of the upgrade or the downgrade but I had a lot of clients not reporting into landscape, taking a closer look I see a lot of “name_of_server” that hasn’t reported in for an hour and “name_of_server (clone)” that has reported in the last couple of minutes, I tried manually deleting some entries and stuff but doing that for a fleet of servers seemed like a daunting task so I created a removal profile, set it for the minimum time (1 day) and waited for 24 hours.

Thankfully, I have some custom monitoring to see if all hosts that should be registered, were and after all of this, I had a lot of servers that were no longer a part of landscape, I don’t know if that is because of the upgrade, downgrade or manual efforts by me but I had to re-register a large number of servers and if I didn’t have that monitoring in place, I might have missed that.

So overall experience of upgrading was terrible, I will not be upgrading this server to 24 until I create a test instance to try it on once the repo problem is solved

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I am getting this as well. Somehow I ended up on 24.10~beta.5 BETA but still have never had this new dashboard working. Page not found or 404.

There are some additional steps here (if you haven’t done those):

I followed the steps to a T and no matter what I do, I cannot get the new dashboard to load. What am I missing?

Digging a little more, I got this in logs trying to load the new page.

Aug 31 01:28:48 appserver-1[134241]: request_id=c58f522a-d925-412a-9fb6-48710b5c2bba
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/zope/publisher/”, line 143, in publish
obj = request.traverse(obj)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/zope/publisher/”, line 598, in traverse
ob = super(BrowserRequest, self).traverse(obj)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/zope/publisher/”, line 516, in traverse
ob = super(HTTPRequest, self).traverse(obj)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/zope/publisher/”, line 263, in traverse
obj = publication.traverseName(self, obj, entry_name)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/zope/app/publication/”, line 195, in traverseName
ob2 = adapter.publishTraverse(request, nm)
File “/opt/canonical/landscape/canonical/routes/”, line 173, in publishTraverse
raise NotFound(self.context, name)
zope.publisher.interfaces.NotFound: Object: <canonical.landscape.model.root.landscape.LandscapeRoot object a
t 0x7f4854ce16f0>, name: ‘new_dashboard’

Same message @itdsystems is getting. Landscape 24.04 LTS Release Notes - #12 by itdsystems

@metalcated Thank you for providing your process and the error message. I think we may know what the issue is - is this RewriteRule in your Apache config?

RewriteRule ^/(new_dashboard.*) http://localhost:8080/$1 [P,L]

If not, it needs to be added. This wasn’t noted in our upgrade guide–just in the fresh install guide. I’ve just added this information to our upgrade to 24.04 LTS document, so you can see the details there.

Hopefully that fixes your issue, but please respond here if it doesn’t.