Is ubuntu-software going to be remove for snap:snap-store?

As shown here in this picture, not categories in the gnome-software application. While the Snap store has alot more predefined categories.

Is this done on purpose?

Sorry, it’s not clear to me what you’re asking, can you elaborate?

I’m sorry, I intended to point out that this:

Was missing in Gnome-software (deb one).

Now a reboot or two later, it’s there. So this is not an issue.

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Updates installed snap-store snap and uninstalled ubuntu-software. I uninstalled snap-store and replaced it by installing ubuntu-software again. Next update wanted to install snap-store and removed ubuntu-software. So what I want to ask is if this is a bug or is it working as designed?

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Sounds like a bug. I’d file it over at

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Just installed the latest daily build and Ubuntu Store manages only snaps in it. Checked the same with Beta version yesterday - the same behavior. I’ve updated to the most recent versions and activated all the repositories available in the app but it shows only snaps - available for installation and installed as well.

As I understand the point is for the store to manage all the apps, .deb including yet there’re a lot of .deb installed (tools like calculator or Libre Office for example) and for now it only can be managed via CLI. So for example, if I want to uninstall the games via GUI, there’s no way to do that.

Is that a bug or is it going to be included in later releases ?

What is “Ubuntu Store” in your case? Gnome-Software or snap-store?

At least gnome-software is fine:

I must admit that I’m very confused by what I’m supposed to be seeing when running ‘Ubuntu Software’ on my permanent installation of Ubuntu 20.04 that was upgraded from Ubuntu 19.10. I have both the .deb and snap versions installed but if I force the snap version to run by typing

snap run snap-store

in a terminal I see that most if not all of the applications that I have installed from the Ubuntu repositories are listed.

However, I see “Unknown” against ‘Version’, ‘Licence’ and ‘Source’ for applications that were installed from the repositories but the correct details for applications that have been installed as snaps

May be the transition isn’t yet complete or perhaps there are still some outstanding bugs that still need fixing? :question:

I must admit that I’m very confused by what I’m supposed to be seeing when running ‘Ubuntu Software’ on my permanent installation of Ubuntu 20.04 that was upgraded from Ubuntu 19.10. I have both the .deb and snap versions installed but if I force the snap version to run by typing

That can be the difference actually. Mine was a clean installation from beta and daily builds.
In both cases it showed only different channels for snap packages (stable, edge etc.). It also didn’t show any .deb packages in installed section as shown on my screenshot. Despite I’ve installed some simple .deb apps that are available in 18.04 for sure via console in 20.04. The terminal is not a problem, the problem is that if I want to uninstall any .deb application via GUI I cannot do it

There’s a focal repo already and some apps seems to have some updated versions, e.g. Variety which after the installation showed me some config options I don’t have in 18.04 version, yet didn’t appear in GUI

My suggestion is that the functionality is not 100% implemented yet. Hopefully will be ready for the release. However I’ve used several daily builds before and what we have in the latest ones really works fast and smooth even on a VM.

I also had some issue with Xorg on qemu before - not anymore.

I have the same question, I asked here:

Wrong place to ask about an Ubuntu version which has not yet been released.

Any idea if Snap Store will be able to install debs by the time 20.04 is released? I was watching a video concerning that, and I thought it was already capable of that (it’s mid-April already after all).

Wasn’t it always the plan to have the Snap Store capable of installing deb packages?

As per my understanding yes. I think it’s not implemented yet in daily builds due to some bugs, probably.

snap-store SHOULD be able to install debs … but does not work or works randomly.
luckily we can still install gnome-software

this is a workaround not acceptable for LTS version. It either doesn’t support .deb officially (you need to add another way to uninstall default .deb apps, or create a manual for a new users how to do it via cli) or fix it or return the old store back and release a new one with a next big update (20.04.2 or whatever). Hopefully it will work fine with the upgrade from 18.04 as it already has Gnome Software installed. But that’s really uncomfortable in case of a fresh installation.


As had already been mentioned here, the plan is for the store which ships in 20.04 to support both snaps, debs, and firmware updates, just as it did in 19.10. See this comment.

The desktop team are working on fixing bugs we find. One such bug is that sometimes the store app cannot install debs. This is a bug which needs fixing before 20.04 releases.



Thanks for the update. That would be really nice as new store is really cool, especially option to select available repos and channels for the snap apps. Yet is no use if you cannot mange .deb apps, not all has snaps and and for some small apps snaps (like claculator or logs which is being switched back from snap to .deb in this release) it doesn’t make sense to use snaps.

In any case gnome software still works fine on daily build as well.

This is normal behavior, unless you have manually installed the “gnome-software” package. Cf bug 1872221 and bug 1868409.

I don’t think it’s normal behavior, but @marcustomlinson would be the best person to weigh in.

@nathanael-naeri is correct. Normal behaviour is that snap-store replaces gnome-software if it was not manually installed by the user. If gnome-software is manually installed, it should be left alone.


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@marcustomlinson Thank you for confirming, and for the video. I just realized, what if a user manually installs the “ubuntu-software” APT package instead? It would bring in the “gnome-software” APT package as a dependent and mark it as automatically installed, wouldn’t it? But that state wouldn’t be the user’s intend.