About rocks

@cjdc well my actual use case is trying to find someone who knows about this service and decide if it’s a problem that it’s accessible.

While trying to track this down, I’ve been surprised at how little I could find about ROCKS: what they are, why someone would care to use them, how to find them, etc. Even this post here only mentions ROCKS in the heading and then the sentence:

By the end you’ll have a working knowledge of how to set up a container-based environment using Canonical’s ROCKs.


@cjdc well my actual use case is trying to find someone who knows about this service and decide if it’s a problem that it’s accessible.

after a quick search, I’d be inclined to say that this is an alias of image-registry.canonical.com and it might be used by commercial systems and solutions QA. Reaching out to them or IS will probably give you more clarity.

While trying to track this down, I’ve been surprised at how little I could find about ROCKS: what they are, why someone would care to use them, how to find them, etc. Even this post here only mentions ROCKS in the heading and then the sentence:

There are in fact old references to ROCKs (like this post) from before ROCKs were even a thing. I mean, the concept and idea were there, but officially, one can only create ROCKs since April 12 2023. In fact, today, you won’t find any ROCK in the “ubuntu/” namespace on Docker Hub/ECR. Nonetheless, we’ve been working on ramping up awareness and following the official channels to educate users on ROCKs. Your feedback is important as it might indicate flaws in our dissemination strategy. Could you please, if you can recall, trace back your steps and share how and where you’ve tried to find said information?

@bryce maybe this is a controversial comment, but given https://canonical-rockcraft.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/, is it still a good idea to keep this page? Apart from the content duplication, there’s the overhead on your side to keep things (like tech and terminology) up to date. Additionally, from time to time people will still find this page and try to fill the gaps or suggest changes.

If it is important to you to maintain this page, I’d at least suggest adding an explicit note letting users know where to find the full docs.

Finally, my obvious comment is that the actual image depicted in this post isn’t a ROCK :slight_smile:

Thanks for letting us know about the ROCKs docs, @cjdc - we’ll take a look and see what the appropriate way forward is. It would probably be more helpful for you guys if we set up a redirect rather than removing the page entirely, but we can discuss!

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A redirect would definitely work and be less disruptive to your docs. Let me know if you need any help :wink:

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I feel that this sentence:

ROCKs are Ubuntu LTS-based container images that are designed to meet cloud-native software’s security, stability, and reliability requirements.

which can be found here. should have been on the answer to “What are ROCKS?”.

I read the entire answer and from what was written there I couldn’t find a clear simple answer. There was a lot of foundational knowledge there, but there wasn’t a clear at all what are ROCKs. It wasn’t clear when you stopped explaining the concept of containers, their usefulness, and when you were starting to define what on top of all that are ROCKs.

Hi @sally-makin , @bryce

just coming back to the above messages

A redirect would definitely work and be less disruptive to your docs. Let me know if you need any help :wink:

I think now is the time to take action. I’m happy to take your advice on whether this should be amended, deleted, or redirected.

We can have a chat about it.