Install and Configure Apache

Maybe I am just a confused newbie, but I think the requirements for this tutorial might be either unclear or missing a critical element.

It says that you’ll need “Ubuntu Server” and “Secure Shell (SSH) access to your server”. By default, Ubuntu Server does not have a graphical desktop (Gnome/KDE/etc.). And the tutorial tells us that “we can test [our progress] by typing in our IP address for the web server” and displaying a web page and later we have a screenshot from a GUI web browser. That implies we are using a graphical. So the scenario is that we have a desktop PC connecting (over SSH) to a ‘headless’ server doing the webhosting. That’s exactly my scenario and the right one for this tutorial.

Near the end of the tutorial , we are told that the ServerName is and that should measure success by reaching from the desktop PC. But obviously I don’t control How does my deskop PC know that should resolve to my new webserver?? There is nothing here about setting up DNS or about changing anything (the hosts file??) on the user’s desktop PC to point to our newly-created server. So even if someone follows these instructions, surely they are bound to fail?

It seems like there is a hidden requirement to control a domain name.

One way to solve this is a step explaining how to set up the desktop PC for the test. Another way would be to have an explicit requirement that you control a domain name, but I worry this leads to a chicken-and-egg situation where scenarios for setting up a domain name might reasonably assume that you already have a web server set up.

Or perhaps it would be possible to re-write the tutorial to use only the IP address? And split the subdomain part off into another tutorial.

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I agree with all the points in this post. I have ended up being only able to access the GCI example’s index.html by typing the server ip address in my browser. I cannot get my desktop to understand what means. The server obviously does not have a browser, so is this tutorial explaining how to install Apache on my desktop? Not very useful and unclear that this is the case. I am surprised that this has not been revamped by now with all the plaintive cries for help we are making.

One of the last steps you need to do:

sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf

Otherwise, the default Ubuntu website will always show up, and you won’t see your new page.

I’m available for QA work if you want to discuss further.

When I attempted to create the text file in /var/www/gci directory using nano I had to use sudo because I got a Permission Denied error when trying to save.

I recommend the below change for noobs like me that thought it was a permissions issue when I just needed to use sudo.

cd /var/www/gci/
sudo nano index.html

So I guess this will never be fixed to actually work from the example?