I will add that since sudo multipass ... works, this indicates that you used sudo multipass ... first, so root is the trusted user, not your own user. Also, since sudo is the trusted user, you will need to do the following:
$ sudo multipass set local.passphrase
Please enter passphrase:
Please re-enter passphrase:
$ multipass authenticate
Please enter passphrase:
Also, it’s not advised to run multipass with sudo. Is there a reason why you’ve done that?
I was using sudo because my user account doesn’t have permissions in /opt/brew:
$ brew install --cask multipass
Error: /opt/homebrew is not writable. You should change the
ownership and permissions of /opt/homebrew back to your
user account:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /opt/homebrew
└─(10:03:56)──> brew install --cask multipass
Warning: Cask 'multipass' is already installed.
To re-install multipass, run:
brew reinstall --cask multipass
but it appears it’s not part of my PATH
└─(10:06:16)──> multipass
zsh: command not found: multipass
I have tried restarting my shell as well with same results.
Edit: I installed with the package and had the same results. I am on Ventura 13.3 (22E252) using a 2021 MBP 16in M1 w/ 32GB RAM. Are there additionaly steps I’m missing?
Hi can I move a multipass VM repository to another disk and run it? I know I can move the files (instance .iOS and .img) to another disk as a way to snapshot it. But can I move a VM and run it from another drive
Hi @bainmckay , if I did not understand wrong, you want to move one VM instance directory instead of all multipassd data to another drive. Multipass CLI do not have such a support but maybe you can use create symbolic link (ln -s <old_directory> <new_directory>) between the new and old directory as a workaround.