Hello Team

Hello Everyone,

It’s nice to meet you all, my name is Keith. I’ve been a daily user of Debian linux since 2012 (with cinnamon UI). I enjoy the stability and security that linux brings to the table. I also like that almost every app I need is available from the app store (synaptic). I’m new to Ubuntu OS. I’m currently located at my computer :slight_smile:

I’ve been poking around this forum for the past few days and noticed that you have a very engaging and warm community. Considering that Ubuntu has now grown to be the most popular linux distro on PC, it shows what can be achieved when you have an active and vibrant team/community working behind the scenes.

I just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself. I found my way to this forum when I applied for a position at Canonical.

I have been going through the web-page at /community/contribute to see if I can help and contribute in some way. I have some software development experience (mostly at the enterprise level, but not so much in the open-source space). If anyone needs some assistance with development or even testing please reach out to me and I’ll be happly to assist. I’m ready to learn any new languages or stacks.

Thanks and regards

Welcome to Ubuntu Discourse :slight_smile:

I am sure you will find much to learn and discuss here.

I’ve been playing around with Linux since 2005 and never get tired of exploring new avenues in this world.

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kd-2025 - My Welcome too :smiley:

You will be an addition to our community -

-All ya gotta do is put your lips together
and blow-

Welcome, great to see you here. Hope you have a great experience here.