Hardened password requirements

First, thanks for the testing.

That’s something to suggest upstream perhaps but I personally feel like that’s kind of a lot. I’m sure that in the day and age of 2FA, users have at least a bit of a sense that “password” is a bad password. I don’t think you need to be too explicit, nor make the UI/UX too busy.

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I saw no issues with it…

It rejected my most common QA password (‘please’) reporting it was ‘too short’; message was clear… It was easy to uncheck the box, and it allowed me to continue.

Alas install failed, but unrelated to password.


Foo. What was that about?

apt error due OFFLINE install - Bug #2097664 “calamares failed to install (offline)” : Bugs : calamares package : Ubuntu (but that’ll be marked duplicate as not new, not yet found older report normally used)

I used the asus netbook with its tiny screen & tiny keyboard, so I do the bare minimum by choice on it, which meant offline install as it has no ethernet & reading the wifi dialogs on that screen isn’t fun.