Foundations Team Updates - Thursday 2024/09/26


  • Amendments to an MP to stop britney hanging on lp queries

release team

  • Chatting with cert team members to figure out the “story” of how they can help us with release testing


  • Reviewing MPs from waveform and cpete and updating the isotracker with their changes


  • quota bump for 3 cloud worker units change
  • Amendments to an MP which Skia reviewed, fixing bugs in the autopkgtest-web reactive charm
  • MP review for Skia’s local worker MP


  • Began charming ubuntu-geonames to re-deploy it in a new environment

hardware installer testing

  • Enabling new machines
  • Ironing out quirks and small bugs in the test suite

URM misc

  • Filled out some epics for our 25.04 roadmap
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