Focal Fossa - Mascot & Wallpapers

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As there is a lack of Ubuntu wallpapers for smartphones, I decided to produce these versions aimed especially at mobile devices, based on what was produced for the Ubuntu Unity Remix:

All of them were produced using Ultra resolution (1836x3264 pixels), in order to adapt to any screen of Android smartphone and iPhone.


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We need to make like a whole community album of remixes of the wallpapers-and when I mean whole community, I mean literally everyone that can remix it.

And we could do this for every release. Would be cool to “Here’s Ubuntu’s Users’ Remixes of our 20.04 Wallpaper” Album.

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Another complementary idea would be to choose a mascot to represent Ubuntu, that would make a huge difference, both for the question of marketing, but would create the solid basis for the identity of the distro. A not very common example is the UBPorts mascot:

Normal mascot logo:


Wallpapers for Android Smartphones and iPhone as examples for the idea:


Very kind! Great for phone users and will look beautiful

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Wow! How nice! Should be used in phones

Am I too late?


Could you change the shade to a bluish-green one?

I got a little bored. Had a lot of fun making tons of different variations of the wallpaper. You can preferably check them out on my google drive:
If you don’t want to use Google services, I also uploaded them on my own server, but be aware that it is painfully slow:

I played around with many gradients and every variant is available in a minimal version without the mascot and with it (though I removed the “lasers” since most of us don’t like them) and included bright and dark versions. Hope you enjoy!

Here you can see the one which turned out best IMO:


Thanks ‘slapbass’ I grabbed your blue backgrounds!

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what tools did you use to make this? I just want to know so i can make a Ubuntu Mate version ie green colour. Want to learn how your making this as it, class!!!

I just used inkscape with a buttload of layers. I can upload the svg somewhere if you want (not the most pretty file in the universe, but could be useful).


Thank you for the reply, the information is enough, thank you. What about a YouTube tutorial video of you doing one?

I know it’s a bit late but hope you enjoy it :smiley:


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Outstanding! Thanks.

Since 20.04 has been released, closing this thread. Join us in the 20.10 thread soon!

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