Fancy Menu as default?

I don’t see why not? If lubuntu chooses to add wing-menu in the final cut, that is. A part of me feels the same, that its semi-redundant. But, I can also see the argument that it also is more configurable layout-wise. Either way, if you guys want that, I can throw wing-menu on my Debian Trixie machine and hack away at it until I get something decent. I know AzumaHazuki on the LXQt Matrix Channel had a theme implementation for Wing-Menu laying around somewhere…might have to ask her about it again


I haven’t heard any nays here so this will probably be the next thing I do. Now’s your time to speak up if you don’t like it!

Obviously, it’s pretty trivial to change back, though, even if you don’t.

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Ok it should be dropping in tomorrow’s daily. It requires two packages:

  1. lubuntu-artwork 25.04.2 which includes the proper theming
  2. lubuntu-default-settings 25.04.5 which sets Fancy Menu to the default

If you have an existing install, the latter one won’t apply simply by updating it. You have to delete the local ~/.config/lxqt/panel.conf so that a new config so it can be replaced with the new fancy global one.

If you already have a modified one, that gets more complicated. Just in and replace mainmenu at the beginning of the plugins key with fancymenu in the [paneln] section where n is probably 1 unless you have multiple panels.

It doesn’t show up in the live image, by the way, no matter what you do. :confused:

Let us know what you think!


FWIW we’ve done some debugging and found a fix for the issue with the live session, but we haven’t yet deployed it because of a design decision we need to make first.

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The design decision: Default favorite applications for Lubuntu


One other thing I just discovered: there’s a separate entry in lxqt-globalkeys for hiding and showing the menu, so I’ll have to upload a new lubuntu-default-settings with the mainmenu one removed and with the fancymenu one added.


The above is now in today’s daily along with a wee theme fix that makes the instructions in the favorites area less ugly (not black on dark grey).