Exploring O3 Optimization for Ubuntu

how to list programs which have O3 usage(and may be incapable to run)? Some Apt Sources settings could be easily setup and server disk space … but part of O2 dynamic linking new specs?

But there should maybe be some preference for programs to show, search, list or run as first to make it easier…

But compiled program size grows a lot due gcc insist for modern CPU features and some benchmarks are also in place and even specialized Intel distribution was in place.
Seems as weird way for specialized Intel or other vendors soft when adding some channel or aspect(or checklist.conf) for APT SOURCES GUI should solve some trouble

Even old Debian way with its various channels in not planar way was gift for Ubuntu which could even use Debian way to compile package on the fly from sources or jackass way to transform(alien) Red Hat rpm packages which are part of archaic LSB standard but Steam Deck has other meaning for todays need of compilation and server space another, corporations policies are not present to allow or disallow something in their mind or occupations but browsers begin to occupy(if they will be allowed)…

Can ever growing gcc could solve this? and not ban something or not allow to run or say: Hi, this old program should be run in emulation(but missing glibc_old_api :smiley: ) if kernel allows this or some GUI prompt settings for this app(now there are even PHP Laravel text prompts)? But adding some user space system lib to say: make this optimization shit more understandable to human needs and not programmer way of compilation and then some O3 shits could be more gone.

Todays computer are a lot of faster with tons of GHz but todays programs are slow on old PCs and thats nature of gcc or instructions in CPU and user space instructions are missing to allow some Hello World program without few hundreds of MB to show something to display and be clickable but with fancy buttons and new GTK version with CSS animations not respecting some architecture of something deeper not only in PC world. Thats not all programs only minor one, but I don’t care how CPU vendors do their stuff, my problem is my program and my customer.