Easy multi-user LXD setup

Thanks @stgraber - that worked like a charm :slight_smile:

For posterity, it was as simple as:

# remove my user from the lxd group
sudo gpasswd -d $USER lxd

# reboot to cleanly logout and back in again without being in
# the lxd group anymore

# set the lxd user group to just my user's primary group since 
# there is no other  users on my local machine
sudo snap set lxd daemon.user.group=$USER

# lxc will have created a new project called user-$UID for your user
lxc project list
# set this as the default project
lxc project switch user-$UID

# then migrate instances to this user's project by stopping them all
# and then moving them across
sudo lxc stop --all
# moving may take a while depending on how many containers/vms you have
for instance in $(sudo lxc list --format json | jq ".[].name" -r); do
  sudo lxc move $instance --target-project user-$UID

# then I can use those instances from my local user as before