Doodle Empires savegame crashed Ubuntu 24.10

Sounds plausible!
Fixed one machine got another to try tomorrow.

I seriously had the same thing today on my work PC, a late model Dell laptop, natively booting Ubuntu 24.04.
Earlier in the day, I remember seeing the mesa updates in a routine git upgrade.
A few hours later, I rebooted for some unrelated reason, and BANG, I got the “oh no!” screen.
Took me a while to solve it.

What I tried:

  1. Pressing ESC or shift during boot didn’t get me into a boot menu.
  2. Pressing CTRL+ALT+F3, F4, etc., did get me into alternative terminals, but I couldn’t enter any commands. The consoles were printing occasional log messages about wifi or something, but it appeared the machine never finished booting.

Eventually, I noticed one error message in the log, after pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL to reboot:

[FAILED] Failed to start nvidia-persistence█ervice - NVIDIA Persistence Daemon

Guessing that this was video related (also due to the recent mesa updates), and not being able to think of anything else, here’s how I solved it:

  1. Boot into BIOS / UEFI.
  2. Switch the hybrid graphics setting to discrete
  3. Boot again. Ubuntu boots up normally, but graphics have a lot of artifacts (this is not new - it always happens when I switch to fully discrete.)
  4. I disconnected the thunderbolt dock, and the graphics seemed normal.
  5. Then I just used apt to fix and update packages. Nothing needed fixing. The same mesa and new libllvm19 mesa-libgallium updates appeared AGAIN.
  6. Also, I did not update / change anything related to gdm (Gnome Deskop Manager).
  7. After updating, I rebooted and changed the Discrete Graphics setting back in the UEFI again.

The machine was working normally again.

Here is a photo of the UEFI setting I changed in the Dell bios:

Re-installation of Ubuntu is not required . Check out this simple solution .

When you see the " Oh no ! something has gone wrong. " message screen . follow these simple steps .

  1. press ctrl + alt + f2 , by doing this , you will see a terminal like window , login with your Ubuntu username and password .
  2. run " sudo apt update " command .
  3. run " sudo apt upgrade " command.
  4. run " reboot " command .
  5. And You are Done !
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This claim seems misleading.

Usually the message occurs, as the many other posts in this topic have shown, when something far more serious than a routine need to update/upgrade has occurred. Sometimes more diagnosis is needed, sometimes a more significant repair is required, and sometimes a reinstall might indeed be best.

Also note that the original problem included…

…so they cannot follow your instructions as written.


thanks! this solved the issue.


There are many possible causes for the “something has gone wrong” screen.

Solving the problem requires diagnosis to determine which of the many possibilities is the one you actually have. No single fix addresses all of them.

Since the original querent do enough diagnosis to identify and solve their problem, I’m going to close this topic.

I’m also going to change the title to something a bit more descriptive, as the generic title is attracting some irrelevant and misleading comments.