Desktop Team Updates – Monday 16th January 2023

  • Did the upstream GNOME 42.8 release
  • Prepared Nautilus 43.2 as an SRU for Ubuntu 22.10. This update fixes lots of regressions and reintroduces the 67% (64px) zoom level
  • Updated my primary work computer to Lunar
  • Uploaded Nautilus 44 Alpha to Lunar. Biggest change is that the “Expandable Folders in List View” feature is back. This required updating GTK4 and libadwaita to their GNOME 44 Alpha versions.
  • Uploaded gnome-control-center 44 Alpha to Lunar. Biggest change is that Ubuntu is no longer disabling the Device Security panel, as the panel is now much simpler than the 43 version.
  • Both of these packages haven’t built yet because of unrelated archive build issues from debhelper and protobuf
  • I expect Lunar to generally not get GNOME 44 stuff until GNOME 44 Beta a month from now.
  • Got last minute approval for the poppler 22.12 transition in Debian. Debian has now entered the first phase of the freezes (transition freeze) in prepartion for the release of Debian 12 later this year.
  • Discovered that NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 recently stopped working for GTK4 apps so we need to use GTK_A11Y=none there instead.
  • Submitted a bugfix in response to cpdb-libs being packaged in Debian slightly differently than in Ubuntu
  • Worked with Heather on updating blueprint-compiler
  • Reported a dh-python issue when a package tries to depend on python3 >= 3.10
  • Tried pinging ftpmasters more to appeal the text-engine package being stuck in Debian NEW for 6 months. This is blocking Debian from getting a newer GNOME Shell Extension Manager version. But I’ve not gotten any response this time or previous attempts when I’ve tried asking about this package.
  • gjs 1.74 built with mozjs102 is now available in the -proposed repo for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. This is a major upgrade. Give it a try and report if you notice any issues.

Other News

  • gtg is back in Debian and Ubuntu