Dead Link IRC wiki page

Hello All;

help - dot - ubuntu - dot - com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration contains a dead link should be replaced with


Hey there,

I don’t suspect that this is quite the right place for pointing this out. You were probably better off sending an email to Ubuntu-docs but I did have it replaced, thanks for the heads up:)

You’re free to join the Ubuntu-Docs mailing list if you’d like to help out more:)


Any Ubuntu Member can edit the wiki directly.

Thanks for helping to improve the documentation.

Well, true, but the barrier to become such a member is pretty high, isn’t it? A more direct way to get edit access to the wiki is explained here.

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Agreed and if I’m reading Launchpad correctly the last Ubuntu Membership was granted around a year ago.

With no Community Council and a minimal Ubuntu Membership Board that no longer seem to meet and only have authority to approve new members for another month or so I’m not sure that many Ubuntu Members will appointed in the very near future.

As you point out via your link, joining the ~ubuntu-wiki-editors group on Launchpad enables users to not only edit the pages at but also those at CommunityHelpWiki - Community Help Wiki which includes the page which was referred to in the first post of this thread. It just needs a little patience while waiting for approval to join the group.