Call for participation: an ubuntu default theme lead by the community?


From the other thread:

“And I know everyone voted on the white, but I actually prefer the people holding hands in orange on white. With it in white and without a background it sort of looks incomplete, and the shape of the icon makes it seem slightly off-center.”

It looks off-centre to me too, but I think this is easily fixable :slight_smile:

I think you just have to account for the fact that the “heads” are not arranged symmetrically (at least, not in terms of left/right symmetry). Because of this, if you centre the graphic relative to where its edges are, the circle part is not quite central. This looks unbalanced, because the circle is the logo’s visual centre of gravity, and we expect the circle to be central.

IMO, the solution is simply to make sure we centre the circle, rather than the whole graphic including heads. Illustration follows:

fixing logo

To achieve this, you just make versions of the logo that have more padding on the right, to centre the circle. Presumably something like this, but with transparency:

centre logo with purple background