Aryan Kaushik | Membership Application

Namaste everyone,
I am Aryan Kaushik, a final-year undergrad from Ghaziabad, India.
My first experience with Ubuntu was with 16.04 while purchasing a laptop for my big sis. Having little to no knowledge of Ubuntu or Linux, it fascinated me, that there is something outside of the Windows world which I enjoyed using more.
It was a perspective change for me. Although for multiple years I did use Windows, I finally took the bullet and switched to Linux.
This was an enlightening moment for me, I broke my installation multiple times, created my own Linux using LFS, switched between distros like crazy and started to spread the word.
I am glad to announce that I also convinced my department at the college to go fully open source, changing to the latest Ubuntu installations and FOSS software.
I took multiple boot camps and sessions on Linux, along with install fests of Ubuntu as the de facto platform for them.
Being a GNOME Foundation member, I attended GUADEC, and after meeting Ubuntu members at GUADEC Ubuntu boot, I decided to reboot the Indian LoCo, and I’m happy to announce that we are hosting UbuCon Asia 2024 in India to kickstart the Ubuntu community here.

My contributions summed up

  1. Rebooted Ubuntu India LoCo to 140 members strong
  2. Lead the first Ubuntu event of UbuCon scale in India
  3. Hosted sessions and Install fests at my College
  4. Converted the whole department to Ubuntu and FOSS and convinced the Director to do it college wide.
  5. Conversed with the Government of India to partner with Canonical to strengthen the Indian Linux space.

My future goals

  1. Not only convert my college to Ubuntu first approach but the whole region
  2. Conduct many more events around Ubuntu in India
  3. Make Ubuntu India LoCo one of the strongest ones
  4. Lead the way for Ubuntu to become the de facto standard for computing in India
  5. Do whatever it takes to remove the “Linux is for hackers” and “it breaks easily” stereotypes and showcase the beauty of Ubuntu.

Social profiles

Launchpad: Aryan Kaushik in Launchpad
IRC: aryan20


I call him fondly as vice captain because without him the vision of hosting an ubuntu community event in India would have been impossible as is rejuvenation of the ubuntu India loco team.

A passionate young technocrat he is and his dedication to opensource especially ubuntu and GNOME in India is second to none.

I wholeheartedly support his application for ubuntu membership and I believe he would make a strong asset to the team.

Hope to see more from you in the near future Vice Captain!

All the very best!



Aryan Kaushik - Hello :smiley:
Great that you undertake this next step within our Ubuntu eco system.

This is now on my radar and I will see how your application progresses.
If you need a refresher - please review:

-Looks as you will make the addition-

On behalf of the Membership Board >>


Yes @bashing-om

I have worked with him closely from this January and I have seen his organisational skills and his love for ubuntu, ubuntu community and GNOME at a personal level, so I can vouch for it anyday :slightly_smiling_face:



Glad to see Aryan is applying for the membership :slight_smile:

I’d like to say he’s been very passionate on organizing UbuCon Asia in Jaipur this year. As part of UbuCon Asia global committee member, working with Aryan has been also very nice and straightforward.

I’m also glad Aryan revived Indian LoCo with bhavi and trying to make it active again.

For that, I’d be also looking forward to see Aryan becoming an official Ubuntu Member and see what he’ll do next :slight_smile:


I really regret that I am allowed to give a testimony, and I didn’t. But it’s never too late :wink:

I got to know about bhaiyaa from @bhavi and from the day, I have had conversations with him on different topics related to the UbuCon, and it was really great. He is already a great Gnomie, and I’d love to have him as our Ubuntu Homie. Nothing to add more after what @bhavi has already added. He is truly the “Vice Captain” for our Ubuntu India Loco.


I am glad that Aryan applied for membership.
Aryan successfully hosted UbuCon Asia 2024. I had an excellent experience as an attendee.

He is trying to reboot Ubuntu India, and it is expected that he will be able to perform better in the future if he becomes an official member.

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Aryan Kaushik is involved in various community activities in GNOME that directly benefit its consumers, such as Ubuntu.

His contributions to our internship efforts and event organization empowers new contributors to improve GNOME in many ways.

The Ubuntu community is lucky to have someone as dedicated and passionate as Aryan participating.


@aryan Welcome to the team, I sent you an email you are now an Ubuntu Member, we voted on your application on our mailing list.

Congratulations and keep up the awesome work.


Thanks @Wild_Man @bhavi @felipeborges @choo121600 @soumyadghosh @sukso96100 @bashing-om and everyone involved :smiley:
All the testimonials and love you have shown is tremendous and I appreciate it a lot.
Looking forward to working more in the community as a member :blush:


You definitely deserve to be an Ubuntu Member and I look forward to working with you and seeing you around the community and thank you for your dedication.


Congrats @aryan and a warm welcome to the team!

Cheers to ubuntu India!



Congratulations, @aryan and welcome in the club!

Sorry for overlooking that you have applied for Ubuntu membership.

You really deserve it, your engagement in getting an Ubuntu LoCo India is great. The UbuCon Asia 2024 in Jaipur was an amazing conference, and I am looking forward to the UbuCon India 2025 co-located with the Opportunity Open Source 3.0!