Small check and radio buttons are a regression from GTK 3.20 and onwards. In Ubuntu 16.04 and GTK 3.18 they had a normal size.
Note that notebook tabs have also regressed since then, you can see in the screenshot.
Small check and radio buttons are a regression from GTK 3.20 and onwards. In Ubuntu 16.04 and GTK 3.18 they had a normal size.
Note that notebook tabs have also regressed since then, you can see in the screenshot.
Can the green " OK " button theme be replaced with something Blue. Even Cyan and Torquise blue are better and less aggressive on eyes than green.
Important issue with Ambiance:
Gnome software doesn’t show search results until a focus/geometry change
I can’t reproduce this with the new Communitheme.
@3v1n0 something to track ^ Thanks @merlijn-sebrechts
Indeed, thanks.
Not sure it should be still an app issue, though. As the theme isn’t per se wrong if it works after a resize.
Hey guys,
There are various theme fixes and improvements going on, also based on @paullinux (thanks!) changes, please give this PPA (EDIT: changes are in bionic now, just upgrade) a try while we’re preparing a release.
Details are linked in the bileto ticket:
Some comments:
I see your point, I also have some concerns, and things can be improved, but the main change has been signed off by design. See
So feel free to discuss it there, in case we can adjust things code-wise.
In general after you get used isn’t so bad
Thanks for pointing out the issue, this can be fixed in a new iteration. And I’m already on it.
I agree, tabs need love. We need some design guidance though.
Feel free to submit the issue on the said github project, and we can get something.
Any proposal is more than
welcome though.
In my TODO
You mean the linked buttons? Like the ones in nautilus or somewhere else?
ACK, to my list too
@initu-icr mh, I thought I had fixed this before… That’s weird. However it isn’t something default so for now it has lower prio. Feel free to help, though.
Apparently this bug only appears on the terminal. What I can help would be reporting bug because I’m not a desinger, well I wish I was!
Something went wrong with the PPA link…
@mozit not needed anymore, changes are now in ubuntu
@initu-icr ahh… That’s using mutter-side decorations, so maybe my fix wasn’t covering them
I 100% agree. What’s the reason for changing the appearance in the first place?
I old design was waaayyyyy better IMO.
I’ve noticed several GNOME themes, such as Arc, change the Activities button to “…”. I’ve read in another thread that Canonical’s position is to keep the “Activities” word on the button but I wonder if it could be styled differently for two reasons, aesthetically and functionally:
This can be done for sure
I really really really do not understand the reason for staying with ambiance anymore after such big and really questionable changes. Maybe someone can explain it to me and please do not tell me the alternative (Communitheme) was not tested long enough or Ambiance is “rocksolid”. After this changes it is obviously not.
I don’t have a problem with the Files sidebar.
There is no reply other than the one @didrocks gave you, he basically gets the final say, we’re not on the desktop team, we don’t get to make these decisions. Note that you can join the desktop team and make decisions like this in the future, if you satisfy the requirements (which include experience, so you’ll need to contribute to Ubuntu first, we’re a meritocracy ( /dictatorship, due to the nature of the self-appointed benevolent dictator for life! ) not a democracy):
Sometimes they ask for our opinion and consider the different opinions and use them to inform their judgments, but the final say is entirely up to them. There’s nothing than we can do other than accept the decision and meet the objections so that this doesn’t happen again next time and helping as many as possible to get onto the Communitheme (i.e. helping to make the snap, promoting the snap, developing the theme, holding the desktop team to account on their promise to get it in 18.10 early in the cycle (remember they never promised that it would be default in 18.04, it was always only a possibility)).